how to choose a domain name

60% Of Small Business Owners At Risk Of Losing Their Domain Name…

There can be some nasty business hiding beneath offers of “free domain name included” or “comes with a free domain name”. In fact, I’ve had a few clients (and some very high profile ones) lose their domain name and have to start over with a brand new web address.

Your domain name (your web address, e.g. is an important business asset. Imagine what would happen if you lost control of that web address and someone else legally put up a site with less than desirable content? That would cause significant harm to your business. Not to mention the lost business from visitors trying to go to a lost domain.

“But I have a web guy I trust!” I don’t care if it’s a trusted web guy or a close family member. What if they get “hit by a bus”? The point is that your domain name is an important business asset and as such you should have clear ownership and control of it.

What You Need To Know About Domain Registering

  1. All domain names are registered and controlled by companies called “Domain Registrars”. Just like people buying houses have to have their contact information on file with a Land Registrar, you need to have your domain name on file with a domain registrar.
  2. You should have your own log-in ID and password for the website of a domain registrar where your domain name is on file.

If you’re missing either step 1 or Step 2 above, you’re at RISK.

Perhaps you think dealing with your domain name registry information is too difficult? It may be. However, any good web person who currently does  control your domain name should be more than happy to help you get set-up properly.

Where To Get Help

If you’re not sure where to turn to for help, give us a call…we’re happy to help you get your domain name issues sorted out for no charge because we’ve seen far too many small business owners be harmed by losing control of their domain names.

Not Your Typical Web Geek

Scott Gingrich

Scott Gingrich

Partner &
Chief Marketing Officer

Lifelong student of marketing, persuasion, and strategy. Business Grad. NLP Master Practitioner. Slept in snow; walked on fire. Coffee geek (not snob). Currently dabbling in geology and native flower gardening.

Values: Family, Friends, Community.

“Marketing is about the Customer, not the product.

– Dan Kennedy

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