Business Email Branding

Brand Your Business Email Address

If your business card has an Email address with “sympatico”, “rogers” or any other personal-type Email address, then this article is of particular importance to you.

I remember back when having a fax number on a business card was the “cool thing” to have. Now, fax numbers are disappearing and in their place, everyone has to have an Email address.

In fact, Email has become the primary way business communications happen, displacing even the telephone. However, if you’re using an Email address that’s intended for personal use, instead of looking “cool”, you look “amateurish”.

The answer is to have a Business Email address such as

What to do if you don’t have a Business Email Address

Find the scenario that applies to you…

  1. You have a domain name and a Website. Any good web hosting company should provide free and unlimited Email accounts for you. Check with your hosting company…they should be happy to help you set-up your Email program at no charge.
  2. You have a domain name, but not a Website. If you have a Domain name then you can get your Email hosting through the place that you registered your domain name, usually for free. If you have a domain name, but don’t know how to log-in and change its settings, then you need to read 60% Of Small Business Owners At Risk Of Losing Their Domain Name…
  3. You don’t have a domain name. Then it’s high-time you got one! Good domain registry companies will include at least one free Email account which you can use without having a website. Before getting a domain name, I’m happy to help you (at no charge) avoid the common mistakes people make when choosing a domain name.

Keep your Email settings, account names and passwords somewhere you can easily retrieve them…this will make it easier for you (or the person helping set your Email up for you) down the road.

Additional Tips For Making The Most of Your Business Email Address

  1. Don’t just forward your business Email to your personal Email. If you do, all of your replies will still come from your Personal Email and be confusing to your Customers. Most Email programs (like Outlook) will let you set-up multiple different Email accounts. They all share the same in-box, but you can choose which Email account to send from.
  2. Put your name and company in the settings, e.g. “Scott Gingrich – GravityStack”
  3. Create a separate Email account you use when signing-up for newsletters and other online promotions. You can set your Email program to automatically file these to a separate folder, keeping your in-box clean.

Not Your Typical Web Geek

Scott Gingrich

Scott Gingrich

Partner &
Chief Marketing Officer

Lifelong student of marketing, persuasion, and strategy. Business Grad. NLP Master Practitioner. Slept in snow; walked on fire. Coffee geek (not snob). Currently dabbling in geology and native flower gardening.

Values: Family, Friends, Community.

“Marketing is about the Customer, not the product.

– Dan Kennedy

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